Sunday Adult Class

Go Deeper in the WORD

Classes will meet Sundays from 9:00 -10:00 a.m. in the Adult Classroom August through December and January through May.  The class, comprised of individuals and couples in all stages of life, offers a combination of lecture and discussion to better understand the Bible.  You will develop community and connection in this Sunday morning Community Group, as our mission is to grow closer to God and connect with each other.  Everyone is invited to join this highly interactive course of study.  

Our Current Class:

An Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines
9:00-10:00 a.m.  

February 23 Thru March 23
If you want your house, your car, your health, or your spiritual life to fall apart, all you need to do is nothing. Happy grown-ups know, there are no shortcuts or substitutes to doing on-going maintenance in every important area of their life…especially their spiritual life. Experts say there are between 12 and 20 spiritual disciplines. We’re studying a few of them this time and would love to have you join in on any Sunday morning at 9 a.m.. Come when you can and leave when you must. One discussion attendance is better than none.

If you haven’t been getting the weekly messages already, or have questions, just contact Jim Coons via email, or text
941-243-4663, or call and he’ll happily help.