Men's Discipleship

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

What is our Purpose?
Here at CPC, we have a vibrant and ongoing men’s discipleship ministry. The ministry focuses on men discipling men in small groups and one-on-one. Currently we have six small groups meeting (made up of anywhere from five to nine gentlemen). The groups meet two times per month. Men are encouraged to meet with one another (in one-on-one or smaller group settings) outside of the formal group meeting time.

What do we do/study?
The groups follow a simple structure: Sharing life together (accountability and encouragement), studying the Word of God together, and praying with and for one another. Each time a men’s discipleship group gathers, we engage in each of these three things.

Special Events?
Once per quarter, we have large group events for all the men of CPC and surrounding community to fellowship together. For example: a men’s breakfast or barbeque, and once per year a men’s retreat. At each of these quarterly events, we invite one man to give his Christian testimony for the edification of the whole group.

What are the expectations?
Because the ministry will invariably grow up current and future leaders for our church and future church plants, the inherent design of the groups is to multiply. Once group leaders are raised up, they are expected to start new groups in order to follow the intentional discipleship patterns that we find in the Scriptures.

Who may join?
All men who are members of and visitors to CPC are invited and encouraged to get plugged in to the ministry! If you are not yet part of this ministry, we ask that you would pray about being part of it. If you are already part of the ministry, please share with men who are not yet part of it the value that the ministry has brought into your own faith walk!

To view recent testimonies click here! 
If you are interested in joining a group, please reach out to pastor Chad Tvenstrup,, 401-465-5618.